Email Archives for July 2006 by subject
- - helium shortage?
- AMMARL-Imaging RH 7.3/XWIN3.5 hardrdrive
- AMMRL - An MR engineer position open
- AMMRL - console error "not a tty"
- AMMRL -Invalid Instruction update
- AMMRL Non-NMR Question
- AMMRL- helium shortage?
- AMMRL- Invalid Instruction
- AMMRL: 10mm standards
- AMMRL: 19F chemical shift of HFIP
- AMMRL: AMT cooling fans
- AMMRL: Biomolecular Facility Manager opening at UC Irvine
- AMMRL: Bruker AC-200 NMR, DISR94 problem
- AMMRL: Bruker AC-200 NMR, DISR94 problem, final resolution
- AMMRL: Bruker Cryoprobe air/N2 switch and outage VT bypass
- AMMRL: by jove, I think I got it
- AMMRL: Cutting a magnet in half.
- AMMRL: Diagonal pattern for passive coupling in HMBC
- AMMRL: Eurotherm B-VT2000 and the SPL parameter
- AMMRL: evaluating RT shims
- AMMRL: extra pulse lines on Mercury+ console
- AMMRL: extra pulse lines on Mercury+ console; followup
- AMMRL: extra pulse lines on Mercury+ console; followup/correction
- AMMRL: ezreserve software
- AMMRL: Follow-up - VNMR 6.1C Question - Missing Eject/Insert Buttons
- AMMRL: internal pH meter for methanolic solutions
- AMMRL: job posting, Abbott
- AMMRL: LC-NMR on the cheap
- AMMRL: Magnet Dissection jpg
- AMMRL: Math & Science Partnerships
- AMMRL: more Varian cryobay oddities
- AMMRL: more Varian cryobay oddities continued
- AMMRL: muffin fans 24 VDC
- AMMRL: muffin fans 24 VDC, followup
- AMMRL: Nanoprobe reliability
- AMMRL: NMR Spectroscopist Position
- AMMRL: NMR spectroscopy position at Millennium Pharma
- AMMRL: Normal time for proton acquisition?
- AMMRL: possible problem with Inova 500 WFG
- AMMRL: response summary for Topspin computer question
- AMMRL: RF noise spikes from MAS probe
- AMMRL: RF noise spikes from MAS probe, summary and solution
- AMMRL: saving Varian data to text format
- AMMRL: scope repair
- AMMRL: summary AMT fans
- AMMRL: SUMMARY Magnet Dissection
- AMMRL: SUMMARY Magnet Dissection : Forward
- AMMRL: tilt in HMBC correlations; autotune comment; solids Q
- AMMRL: To LC-NMR/LC-NMR-MS or to not?
- AMMRL: Update on INOVA console/Data Acquisition Board troubles
- AMMRL: Varian cold probe accidental warmups?
- AMMRL: VNMR 6.1C Question - Missing Eject/Insert Buttons
- AMMRL:Cold Probe Issues
- AMMRL:Xwinnmr on SGi Octane
- AMMRL; Cold Probe Issues Followup
- INOVA console/Data Acquisition Board troubles
- Invalid Acquistion Instruction
- Maximization of noesy1d
- scope repair
- vnmr phasefile
- wandering homogeneity
- Last message date: Mon Jul 31 2006 - 19:27:34 MST
- Archived on: Sun Jun 11 2023 - 14:41:57 MST