AMMRL: muffin fans 24 VDC

From: William C. Stevens <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 18:26:34 -0500

Sorry for so mundane a request, but I have 3 cooling fans out in my
vintage 2000 Inova 500. I have a stock of Papst Pamotor 110VAC fans
if anyone wants them. Varian service rep Gary Lueker told me a long
time ago not to buy any more Conair Rotron muffin fans, so I stocked
up on Papst and never in over ten years had to replace one.

I think my Inovas have
* 6 cooling fans top rear of console
* 2 behind acquisition digital cage
* 2 in power supply
* 2 in shim supply
* 4 in 2 amplifier cabinets

I think they are all 24VDC, 80 CFM. The model of Conair Rotron has
been discontinued. I'd be interested in a high quality fan and will
buy a dozen. Recommendations? Newark was out of stock and I need to
find an appropriate model and supplier. Is there a way to
quick-disconnect the 24V power connector to the fan panels so I can
take them outside and blow the dirt off? Or am I stuck with cleaning
them in situ?

Also, just as pedestrian, I apparently need to replace a leveling
valve in my TMC anti-vibe table. This was installed one year before
(1992) TMC decided it could guarantee good performance by building
air isolators into magnet legs. I have a heavy table that needs 60
psi. Any comments there are welcome.

I had one more question, but I am too tired to remember it. (I did,
however, remember to put "AMMRL:" in the subject line. Rich sent a
goon junta to Carbondale to pummel me for forgetting it last time.) I
am doing my grad assistant's job (graduated), the electronics repair
tech's job (laid off), the stockroom guy's job (retired), and my job
- but my job is lowest priority and there is no time for it.

Maybe I ought to voted off the Steering Committee because I am now
mostly a tech / stockroom clerk.

Bill (sigh)

William C. Stevens, Ph.D. Director
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL 62901
618-453-6498 voice / -6408 fax / 521-9892 cell
Received on Fri Jul 14 2006 - 16:32:34 MST

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