The set file of Feb16 which failed to open had some title lines which
did not make sense, e.g. the title line for user ea with the sample in
position 46 appeared for the sample submitted by user vmc in position 19:
##HolderIdent## 19 {} {} 19
##Holder## 19 Submitted NA-CO-PAPER 12 {CDCl3 chloroform-d} {n
C13CPD.ucl 13C spectrum} {D:\500} 03:35:06 {UnMoonDisabled
{ParCLockNPrintDisabled {d8 0 o1 15090.9 o2 2000.52 ns 4096 rg 101 ro 20
ti {
C13CPD.ucl CDCl3 {D:\500} ea 46
} sr -15.76 isen 30 o1p 120.000 o2p 4.000 bcfw 1 aunm au_zg locnuc 2H}}
{} {} {} {}} vmc {19.2308 3 1} {} {{} {} {} {} AN_OFF {}} 0 {} {} {{}
{{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}}} {}
The same title "C13CPD.ucl CDCl3 {D:\500} ea 46" appeared in the new set
file of Mar19 for position 1 (!):
##HolderIdent## 1 {} {} 1
##Holder## 1 Running BT100 20 {MeOD methanol-d4} {n
C13CPD.ucl 13C spectrum} {D:\500} 03:35:06 {UnMoonDisabled
{ParCLockNPrintDisabled {isen 30 o1p 120.000 o2p 4.000 locnuc 2H d8 0 o1
15090.9 o2 2000.52 ns 4096 rg 101 ro 20 ti {
C13CPD.ucl CDCl3 {D:\500} ea 46
} sr -15.76 aunm au_zg bcfw 1}} {} {} {} {}} hch {1.193 1 1} {} {{} {}
{} {} AN_OFF {}} 0 {} {} {{} {{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}}} {}
Having title lines with an empty line (between ea 46 and } above) did
not look right to me. I replaced these with "ti {}" in Feb16*.set and
this set file can now be opened successfully.
I then checked <date>.set files under TS 4.0.6 and 3.6.2 on other
spectrometers where we do not have any issues with opening old set
files. In those set files there was no occurence of "ti " (ti followed
by space) at all.
Thank you,
On 19/03/2021 22:16, Abil Aliev wrote:
> Hello,
> On opening the existing <date>.set file with the list of queued
> experiments after restarting Topspin and Iconnmr, an error is issued:
> "Error:unmatched open brace in list..."
> Has anyone come across a similar error? Is there a fix for this?
> Thank you,
> Abil
Dr Abil E Aliev
Principal Research Fellow, NMR Manager
Department of Chemistry, University College London
20 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0AJ
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7679 4616, +44 (0) 7474 000 924
Internal: 24616
Received on Sat Mar 20 2021 - 13:42:04 MST